標題:儲運箱報價 |
張先生 |
大約需30個麻煩2種型號個別報價 謝謝 |
發表時間:2016-12-3 23:49:17 閱讀次數:1664 回復:2 |
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感謝您 |
發表時間:2016-2-23 08:19:41 IP: 114.25.215.* |
Madge |
Hi!I have the same GPS tracking device as you Risto, however I am not able to download anything from the unit to my computer. I am running Ubuntu 11.04, and WINE runs GPStrack the smoothly. When I try to download from the unit, an error appears: connect to recording unit failI would greatly apertciape any help! :-)Jonas |
發表時間:2016-12-3 23:49:17 IP: 188.143.232.* |
回復:儲運箱報價 |